Complications and treatment of uterine fibroids


The genetic predisposing factor for women with fibroids is the genetic background (presence of fibroid uterus in women in the family) and hormonal secretions in women of childbearing age (after puberty to adulthood). Marrying or not having sex has nothing to do with fibroids. Because a large number of fibroids can be asymptomatic due to their location, diagnosis is by examination and ultrasound.

Do uterine fibroids cause infertility?

This is a question that occupies the minds of many women with uterine fibroids. Fibroids are one of the most common and benign muscle masses in women. Fibroids can be present in different areas of the uterus. Some of them are connected to the body of the uterus from the outside through a base. Some are located inside the inner cavity of the uterus (endometrium). Some are located in the labia of the uterine muscles. Fibroids are not the only cause of infertility, and the effects of fibroids on female fertility depend on the size and location of the fibroids.